Saturday 29 October 2022

How to overcome depression

Depression is nothing but only your own state of mind,nothing can trouble you more than your own thougts and once your thought process started, it continues to think negative and takes a person to the depths of negativity, to one’s own imaginary world, which actually does not exist .

A few suggestions to overcome depression are

Breaking up of the pattern of negative thought process by deep breathing or pranayam.

Taking up a hobby like listening music, singing, dancing, reading. or any of one’s own interest.

Writing one’s all thoughts that troubled a person in a diary .

Walking or jogging do help to overcome depression

Do meditation atleast for fifteen minutes,It's very helpful and trains the mind to be in present than to be in past or in future with unnessary thoughts.

Try to accept challenges in life and be resposible for whatsoever is happening in one’s life instead of blaming others.

Life is like a wave with highs and lows and is to be lived and one should ive happily, success and failure are two faces of same coin in everyones life and evryone has to go through it So be happy and make others happy.

Rekha Joshi